Short Communication
Cruz NIDL, Merino JO, L&oac
Objective: To determine the effect of age, sex and season on some selected hematological parameters of quarter horses (QH) from the North East of Mexico. Materials and Methods: Blood samples of 205 healthy QH were collected from January 2007 to January 2009 from the North East of Mexico and hematological parameters were determined. The values obtained were subjected to a one-way ANOVA (p<0.05) to determine the significant differences in the hematological parameters compared to variables as age, sex, and seasons of the year.Results: Statistically significant differences (mean values ± SD) were detected in different hematological parameters such as regards age, sex and season. Conclusion: The hematological parameters varied among breeds and are influenced by age, physical activity and environment, it is necessary to consider those parameters in future studies to obtain clinical diagnosis when working with this type of race. Similarly, it suggested a high number of studies on blood evaluation of QH for your specific application in health and development in these organisms.