Economics of Redgram Marketing in Spot Market Vs. Nspot Exchange - A Study in Gulbarga District

M. S. Ganapathy, M. Shashikuma


NCDEX Spot Exchange Ltd. (NSPOT) is a leading electronic Spot Exchange in India deriving strength from the expertise of National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd (NCDEX), NSPOT offers an electronic trading platform for trading in a host of commodities, both agricultural and non-agricultural to various market participants, primary producers including farmers, traders, processors etc.The study compared the economics of tur marketing between NSPOT and APMC and found that even at a higher price per quintal in spot market the net realization by the NSPOT farmers selling through spot market would have been reduced by almost Rs.20 per quintal. This was mainly due to the reduced cost of marketing in NSPOT exchange which would benefit the farmers to a very large extent.

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