E-BABE-Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceutical

Tsabang Nolé


Only half of hypertensive patients with blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg are undergoing treatment worldwide. Hypertension remains quantitatively the most important cardiovascular risk factor and  is responsible for 4.4% of global  mortality. It is a asymptomatic disease. So in Africa more than a halp of hypertensive patients is not diagnosed. Many patients don’t go or go to hospitals very late. With the aging of the population, the increasing prevalence of obesity, sleep apnea syndrome and chronic renal failure. Etiology, the number of hypertensive patients with resistant hypertension will increase. The contributing factors of resistant hypertension identified in most cases of essential hypertension remain unclear. Today, the new suspected pathophysiological hypotheses unknown in Africa traditional medecine are: an increased sympathetic neuronal activity, an excess of activity, or an inappropriate activity of aldosterone and angiotensin II compared to sodium intakes, a congenital predisposition or developed during the fetal life (number of nephrons, birth weight, etc.), and the observation that blood pressure is approximately 30-50% hereditary. These pathophysiological causes would help in the validation of plantes used by local therapists. The objective of this work was to identify and document among medicinal hypotensive plants those which can release resistante hypertension. To achieve this objective an ethnomedical and ethnopharmacological survey was conducted nearby 1131 interviewers living in 58 socio-cultural groups random distributed in ecosystems of Cameroon. The plants identified have been subject of bibliographic research confirming their effectiveness. The ethnopharmacological mode of herbal medicines preparation and administration, the dose, the duration of treatment were also taken in consideration. Ten plants belonging to 7 families and 8 gena, were recorded.  

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