Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Bipolar Disorder with Cocaine Dependence vs. a Healthy Control: Preliminary Findings

Research Article

Vicki A Nejtek


Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has been a useful technology to examine brain anomalies in relation to white matter atrophy in neurologically impaired patient populations. Of particular interest is using DTI to better characterize brain structure in patients with mental illness or addiction. To that end, the available data show white matter atrophy in brain areas that underlie executive functioning, emotion, and memory in those with bipolar disorder. In those with substance use disorders, the current data illustrate white matter atrophy in the corpus callosi. However, studies examining white matter connectivity and atrophy in those with co-occurring bipolar and cocaine use disorders are lacking. Here, an exploratory case series illustrating differences in white matter connectivity among two subjects with co-occurring bipolar and cocaine use disorders in comparison to a healthy control are shown.

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