Diagnosing diabetics with reflex zones of the tongue using colour image segmentation

D. Jyothi Preshiya


The tongue is a brawny organ that capacities to deglutition, taste and speech. It goes about as an effectively available organ for the assessment of wellbeing in patients. Any anomalous working of the Stomach, Pancreas, Liver Gall Blader and Intestines will be reflected on the tongue. The characteristic changes happen in the tongue can be truly helpful and will provide some clues for diagnosing a percentage of the diseases. Things to be considered in tongue for diagnosing would be shape, color, size and texture to identify the disease at the prior phase of any disease. In this paper, the color image segmentation strategy and an imedicalapp is developed to detect Diabetes Type-II. This system framework comprises of capturing the image, preprocessing of the image, extraction the texture feature and symptomatic analysis.

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