Development ways of detecting boxwood evergreens alkaloids by gc-ms method

D.A. Zulfikarieva, and Z.A.Yul


Boxwood evergreen-Buxussempervirens L., widely used in ornamental horticulture. In homeopathy preparations prepared from leaves, boxwood is used as a diaphoretic, antifebrile and diuretic.The aim of the development ways for the analysis of cyclobuxin alkaloids, tug using the GC-MS method.We have used two methods to develop an optimal method for the extraction of cyclobouxin and buxinalkaloids from a plant sample. For the first method, raw material used and aerial part of the plant was dried. A sample of the raw material was ground to a particle size passing through a sieve with 1 mm diameter holes. The second method is a method for isolating alkaloids by infusion with oxalic acid solution.Two extracts were purified and for the separation of alkaloids by thin layer chromatography. For this, chromatographic plates, which are prepared in the laboratory, were utilized.On the chromatogram and mass spectrum, the main fragmentation ions characteristic of tow and cyclobuxin were identified.

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