Determination of Phenol and flavonoid content from Vateria indica (Linn)

Research Article

Nilesh Gupta, Richard Lobo, Ch


The present study aim to evaluate phenol and flavonoid content of Ethanolic and aqueous extract of the stem bark of the plant Vateria indica (L.), Dipterocarpaceae, is a woody plant was distributed in India and Sri Lanka. The resin has been used as a traditional medicine for sore throat, chronic bronchitis, rheumatism, and diarrhea. The stem of the genus Vateria is known to produce biological active compounds such as oligostilbenoids and monoterpenes. In the present study the phenol and flavonoid content of Ethanolic and aqueous stem bark extract of Vateria indica was evaluated by “Folin Ciocalteu’s method” and “Aluminium chloride colorimetric method”. Total phenolic content for Ethanolic and aqueous extract were found to be 670 mg/g and 310 mg/g and total flavonoid content were found to be 74mg/g and 62mg/g respectively

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