Determination of Mancozeb residues in apple juice samples followed by Gas Chromatography Mass spectrometry method

Research Article

Tentu Nageswara Rao, S. N. V.


The present study was performed to validate gas chromatography mass spectrometry analytical method for the determination of mancozeb residues in apple juice samples. The analytical method is based on the extraction procedure by using mineral acids . The extraction solution was sucked into the flask, the dripping funnel was quickly exchanged for the gas inlet. After 2 hours, the adsorption tube containing the isooctane was removed and closed. The solution was transferred into a sample vial and analysed using GC-MS. A Rxi-624Sil MS (30m length x 0.32mm I.D. x 1.8 μm particle size capillary column is used for the separation. The method has linearity over the range 0.03 to 5.0 mg/L. Recovery study was conducted at 0.03 and 0.3 mg/L fortification levels. The average mean recoveries were calculated as 85.28 % at 0.03 mg/kg level and 90.11 % at 0.3 mg/L level. The limit of quantification in juice was established as 0.03 mg/L.

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