Design of Tinidazole Matrix Tablets of for Colon Specific Drug Delivery Employing Eudragit S 100, PEG 6000 and Lactose

Ch Taraka Ramarao, B Srinivasa


The matrix tablets each containing 300 mg of tinidazole are prepared employing Kollidon SR in different percents (8.3%, 16.6%, 25% and 33.3%) by direct compression method. The hardness of the tablets was in the range of 6-7 kg/ The weight loss in friability test was less than 0.3% in all the cases. All the matrix tablets prepared contained 100 ± 2.5% of the labelled claim. All the tablets were found to be non-disintegrating in acidic (pH 1.2) and alkaline (pH 7.4) fluids. As such, the prepared tablets were of good quality with the drug content, hardness and friability. From the drug release study it may be concluded that the (TK3) E3 formula of tinidazole matrix tablets have given the desired release profile by showing a minimal release during the lag period of 5 hrs and complete release at the end of 12 hrs. For the optimised formula(TK3)E3 having 25% kollidonSR with 10% of channelling agent (EudragitS100 to that of kollidonSR) showed minimal release in the lag period of 5 hours about 29.1% and 98.2% of the drug was released by the end of the 12h. The tinidazole matrix tablets formulated by employing kollidonSR and various channelling agents showed non-fickian diffusion mechanism and followed zero order kinetics. Matrix tablets (TK3) E3 formulated employing 25% kollidonSR and 10% eudragit S100 are best suited to be used for colon targeting of tinidazole.

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