Design and evaluation of microspheres using anti-ulcer agent roxatidine

Research Article

Arifa Begum S. K. and Basava R


Present study aims to prepare and evaluate Roxatidine acetate HCl microspheres by ionotropic gelation method. Among all the formulations R9 was selected as optimized formulations for based on the physico chemical parameters and drug release studies. In the in vitro release study of formulation R9 showed 95.12% after 12 h in a controlled manner, which is essential for disease like peptic ulcer. The in vitro release profiles from optimized formulations were applied on various kinetic models. The best fit with the highest correlation coefficient was observed in Higuchi model, indicating diffusion controlled principle. The innovator Rotane 150mg conventional tablet shows the drug release of 96.45 within 1 h. FT-IR and DSC analyses confirmed the absence of drug-polymer interaction. The results obtained from evaluation and performance study of different types of Roxatidine microspheres that system may be useful to achieve a controlled drug release profile suitable for peroral administration and may help to reduce the dose of drug, dosing frequency and improve patient compliance when compared with marketed product.

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