Design and evaluation of gemifloxacin mesylate mucoadhesive microspheres

Research Article

K. Nagasree, G. V. Chowdary, C


In the present research work mucoadhesive microspheres of Gemifloxacin mesylate was prepared using Ionotropic gelation technique. All the microspheres were characterized for particle size, scanning electron microscopy, FT-IR study, DSC, percentage yield, drug entrapment, stability studies and for in vitro release kinetics and found to be within the limits. Among all the formulations M11 was selected as optimized formulation based on the physic chemical and release studies. In vitro drug release study of optimized formulation M11 showed 98.99% after 12 h in a controlled manner, which is essential for anti ulcer therapy. The innovator Gemiflox conventional tablet shows the drug release of 96.15 within 1 h. The drug release of Gemifloxacin mesylate optimized formulation M11 followed zero order and Higuchi kinetics indicating diffusion controlled drug release.

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