Design and characterization of bacteria friendly natural matrix tablet of zidovudine hydrochloride in colon cancer

Research Article

Surender Verma, Vipin Kumar an


In present study, we have tried to develop the colon targeted matrix tablets of Zidovudine(AZT) hydrochloride for colon cancer using microbially triggered approach. Natural polysaccharide chitosan was used as a matrix forming agents for microbially triggered approach. Optimized ratio of Ethyl Cellulose, PVP-K30 and Starch different binders in varying concentration range were explored in different formulation batches. F8 batchwas found to be optimized in terms of providing higher drug release than other formulations among F1-F12 . It was seen that on increasing the concentration of binder the amount of drug release was decreased. 12% starch concentration provided the best release pattern and give maximum release upto 98.23 % till fourteen hrs.

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