Cystoseira myrica and Padina pavonica: A potential natural hope against hepatic injury in animal model

Research Article

Hanaa H.Ahmed,Muhammed M.Hegaz


The current study was undertaken to investigate the potency of two species of brown algae extracts in mitigating thioacetamide-induced liver injury in rats. This study was conducted on six groups, the first group served as negative control and the groups starting from (2-6) were administered with thioacetamide; the second group was left untreated and served as positive control group, group 3 and 4 were orally treated with Cystoseria myrica fresh and dry extracts respectively, whereas group 5 and 6 were orally administered with Padina pavonica fresh and dry extracts respectively. Thioacetamide intoxicated group administered with fresh or dry extracts of Cystoseria myrica or Padina pavonica displayed significant inhibition in liver enzymatic activity in serum. Also, the treatment with fresh or dry Cystoseria myrica or dry Padina pavonica extract resulted in significant decline in serum cholesterol and LDL levels. Of note, serum HDL level exhibited significant elevation in the groups treated with dry extract of Cystoseria myrica. The rat groups receiving dry extract of Cystoseria myrica or Padina pavonica showed significant reduction in plasma H2O2 level, while those treated with fresh or dry Cystoseria myrica or dry Padina pavonica extract displayed significant depletion in hepatic H2O2 level. Plasma total antioxidant capacity was found to be significantly increased in the rat groups administered with fresh or dry Cystoseria myrica or dry Padina pavonica extract whereas, hepatic level of total antioxidant capacity recorded significant increase in rats treated with fresh or dry extract of Cystoseria myrica or Padina pavonica. Worth mentioning , the rat groups treated with dry or fresh Cystoseria myrica or dry Padina pavonica extract showed significant depletion in serum TNF-α level. In view of the present results, this study introduces a promising insight on the alleviating role of Cystoseria myrica and Padina pavonica extracts against hepatotoxicity induced in rats owing to their hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.

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