Customer perception about the service quality in selected Banks in Asab

Salami C.G.E and Olannye A.P


Nigerian banks have been characterized by poor service quality. Within the last fifteen years service quality has become a major differentiator for institutions like banks which offer similar products or services. High quality service is believed to affect customer perception of value and satisfaction which in turn can lead to customer loyalty. This study sought to asses customer perceptions about service quality in selected banks in Asaba, Delta State of Nigeria. Five banks and a total sample of 240 respondents were surveyed with a 25 - item closed – ended questionnaire based on Parasuraman et al. (1988) five dimensions of service quality. An ANOVA revealed that the dimensions of empathy, tangibles, reliability, assurance and responsiveness significantly affect customer perception of service quality at a significantly level of .01. Therefore, retail banks should continually seek to provide services that meet or exceed their customers’ expectations.

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