Coupled Fixed Points of α-Ψ-Contractive Type Multi Functions

Mohammadi B and Alizade E


Recently, Samet, Vetro and Vetro introduced α-ψ-contractive mappings and gave some results on fixed points of the mappings . In fact, their technique generalized some ordered fixed point results . Also they have proved some results on coupled fixed points of α-ψ-contractive mappings. In 1974 Ciric introduced quasicontractive mappings and obtained an important generalization of Banach’s contraction principle. Recently Mohammadi, Rezapour and Shahzad have proved some fixed point results on α-ψ-contractive and α-ψ-quasicontractive multifunction’s. By using the main idea of, we give some new results for coupled fixed points of α-ψ-contractive multifunction.

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