Correlation between the Diabetic Marker (Hba1c) and the Anemia Marker (Hba2) In Type 2 Diabetes

Radia Boufermes and Dihia Hadd


Iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are prevalent sorts of nutritional deficiency. Globally, 50% of anemia is attributed to iron deficiency. Reduced iron stores are linked to increased glycation of hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c). Additionally, the prevalence of IDA is considerably significant in patients with type 2 DM especially those with nephropathy. The clinical relevance of the effect of iron deficiency on glucose metabolism remains not clear. The links between glucose, anemia and HbA1c are complex and not yet fully elucidated. Diabetes can contribute to anemia through reducing absorption of iron, gastrointestinal bleeding and thru diabetic complications that cause anemia.

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