Correlation between Sympathtic Power and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Diabetics and Hypertensives

Joshi M, Desai KD, Menon MS


Cardiac diseases are more prevalent in diabetics, hypertensives and diabetics with hypertentension. Prevention is possible if they are diagnosed at the preclinical stage. Such diagnostic practises can control mrotality and morbidity rate. Methods and subjects: Study is conducted with 27 normal subjects, 40 diabetic subjects with and without myocardial ischemia/infaction and 23 hypertensive subjects with and without diabetes. An attempt is made to find out the sympathetic power and it’s correlation to Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in the diabetic subjects and hypertensive subjects with and without diabetes. All the cases are recorded at Fortis-S.L.Raheja hospital Mahim (W). ECG samples of 3-5 minute duration in sittng and supine position are collected. Randomness in age, class, sex and other parameters in ensured on the basis of the data collection as per the registration of the subjects.

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