Short Communication
Ahed J Alkhatib
Biological behaviour is still dilemma irrespective to highly advancements in tumor knowledge due to diverse and interacting underlying mechanisms, an issue that stimulates researchers, practitioners, and scientist to explore more and more thoughts, ideas, and mechanisms. Based on my experience in the cancer research, I have constructed the mirror image model that predicts cancer behaviour. The expression of biomarkers is a very important feature of biological cancer behaviour. In this model, the expression of two biomarkers using immunohistochemistry was implemented. We have previously published an article about the use of digital imaging techniques for better understanding of cellular reactivity, in which we showed how can the expression of biomarkers be changed from qualitative to quantitative through the use of imaging analysis properties provided by adobe Photoshop software. The idea depends in calculating the total pixels per image, then an option to select a color of the image to compute its distribution as pixels. The obtained number is divided by the total pixels in slide. The resulting number is recorded. Using these options gave us the possibility to shift our knowledge in following the biological behaviour of cancer (Al-Jarrah et al., 2010; Bani-Ahmad et al., 2018). However, we have previously conducted several studies to follow the biological activities of several diseases including diabetes and neurological diseases (Al-Jarrah et al., 2013; Alkhatib et al., 2013; 2014;Amawi et al., 2019;Ali Alsarhan et al., 2020).