Kentaro Kikuch
We are pleased to welcome you to the “International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology” after the successful completion of the series of Microbiology Congress. The congress is scheduled to take place in the beautiful city of London, UK on Jul 22-23, 2020. This Advanced Microbiology 2020 conference will provide you with an exemplary research experience and huge ideas. The perspective of the Microbiology conference is to set up research to help people understand how techniques have advanced in the field of Microbiology and how the field has developed in recent years. Longdom Conferences extends immense pleasure and honour by inviting you to attend the Webinar on “Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology” scheduled during July 22 2020. Advanced Microbiology 2020 will be focusing on the theme “Progressing research Trends in Clinical Microbiology” to enhance and explore knowledge among academicians and industry personnel. Advanced Microbiology 2020 will be having sessions on, microbiology, infectious diseases, pharmaceutical microbiology, environmental microbiology, medical microbiology and its related subjects to establish a connection for exchanging ideas. Detailed agenda of Advanced Microbiology 2020 will have keynote presentations, plenary sessions, oral sessions, panel discussion, posters presentations, workshops, symposia, and young researchers’ forum.