Comprehensive analysis of agents used for hypertension coordinated diseases in coimbatore district, multi-specialty private hospitals

Research Article

S. Shakila Banu, T.Lathamary,


Cardiovascular diseases have emerged as an important health problem in all industrialized countries. The limited informations are available from developing countries suggested that a similar epidemic is inevitable if current trends go unchecked. We have selected comprehensive analysis of agents used in antihypertensive combination therapy. The study has been conducted in three different multi specialty private hospitals in Coimbatore{Vijaya , Surya and Sakthi hospitals). The 51 numbers of inpatient case sheets have been collected from different hospitals from the month of December 2005 to Feb. 2006. The epidemiological studies have been demonstrated that the prevalence of hypertension was increased in the males (52%) when compared to females (48%). The age distribution results have been expressed that the adult age group of hypertensive patients were more when compared to each other age group of patients. The married patients were affected for more hypertension (99%) when compared to unmarried statistics. The comprehensive analysis of agents used in hypertension coordinated diseases report has been suggested that the renal failure (23%) patients were very less percentage in Coimbatore area when compared to diabetes mellitus (54%). Finally physician drug prescriptions have been indicated that the hypertension coordinated renal failure for ACE inhibitors in combination of adrenergic receptor blocking agents, calcium channel blocker and thiazide diuretics. The hypertension coordinated diabetes mellitus Patient prescriptions have been expressed for beta blocker in combination with ACE inhibitors, thiazide diuretics and γ-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) agonist drugs. By the way of conclusion readers were exhorted to involve themselves in understanding and through this improving the health of the communities in which they lived.

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