Research Article
Filip B Harasimiuk, Arkadiu
Comparison of Biomass Growth in Microcystis aeruginosa Cultures Supplemented With Commercial Culture Mediums F2 and BG-11 In the study physiochemical composition of two commercial culture mediums, F2 and BG-11, used in the culture of microalgae and cyanobacteria was compared. Also influence of the medium on Microcystis aeruginosa growth has been evaluated. The following elements were determined in the culture medium: nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, reactive phosphorus, and Redfield ratio. The increase of cyanobacteria was determined on the basis of chlorophyll "a" measurement. A substantial accretion in the cyanobacteria biomass growth was noticed in the culture supplemented by BG-11 medium, and the differences in its increase was statistically significant.