Original Articles
Edelberto Silva and Lorena Jim
Currently, patients and physicians need to know that the quality of generic medications is equal, greater or less than their brand equivalent. In the case of antibiotics, their performance must be evaluated by in vitro and in vivo methods, to ensure their performance as a therapeutic agent. Caspofungin were studied by microbiological assays to determine its potency (content), Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Mutant Prevention Concentration and pharmacodynamics. In regard to potency the products fulfill the requirements for the content (107.00-107.57%) without significant differences. The value MICs for Candida and Aspergillus species using standard and the commercial products are the same, then the products behave equally. There are not significant differences between the number of mutants recuperated from the different concentrations of Caspofungin (Kafun [generic one] and Cancidas [innovator one]) evaluated. The pharmacodynamic study at different concentrations of Caspofungin (Kafun and Cancidas) showed similar behavior, again without significant differences. Finally, we can say that the products evaluated are pharmaceutical equivalents, and have similar antimicrobial activity, so the products could be considered therapeutically equivalent.