Comparative in vitro antioxidant studies of aqueous solution of formulated poly herbal formulation with marketed preparation

Research Article

Deepa P and N Kannappan


For the formulation the six medicinal plants having antioxidant have been selected based on folklore use. It was formulated in accordance with GMP specification, and it is evaluated for its in vitro antioxidant activity. Now a day’s plant are used for food but also taken regularly as a preventive measure against certain disease. In vitro antioxidant effects of aqueous solution of formulated and marketed preparations were evaluated. The aqueous solution exhibits anti oxidant property when compared to the marketed preparation. Plants have been a rich source of medicines because they produce a lot of bioactive molecules ,most of which probably evolved as chemical defense against predation or infection . Several studies indicated that medicinal plants contain substances like peptides, unsaturated long chain fatty acid, aldehydes, alcohols, phenols, and water or ethanol soluble compounds. If antioxidants are unavailable, the free radical production became excessive and results in excessive damage to the body. The antioxidant therapy has gained an utmost importance. Now the current research is directed towards finding naturally occurring antioxidant of plant origin. Here the poly herbal formulation shows good antioxidant property. All the analysis was made by help of U.V. Visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu).The reducing power of the drug was determined by using ascorbic acid as a standard reducing agent. The present study evaluates the antioxidant property of the new formulation as well as the marketed formulation by DPPH method.

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