Review Article
Sadia Bano and Aisha Umar
Protein-ligand docking attempts to study and predict the protein-ligand complex which is formed by interaction of receptor with its ligand. Different methods have been used for designing molecular docking algorithms which are initially command based complex procedures and are now user friendly GUI systems. Comparative study of various docking algorithms gives us useful information to select the proper algorithm for our research and design drugs of our choice by using computational techniques. The selection of particular algorithm is important for selected protein dataset. In present study, an important class of Protein, Kinases are considered, which are regulatory in nature, to find appropriate docking tool for their study. Tyrosine Kinases are particularly targeted for making inhibitors which can be used as anticancer drugs. Consequently, specifically suitable docking algorithm for Tyrosine Kinases can be helpful in drug designing against Tyrosine Kinases. This analysis explored four different docking algorithms for docking named as Auto dock, Auto dock Vina, Hex Server and Patch dock. In this study, Auto dock Vina produced suitable ligand conformations.