Comparative Analysis of Wage Determination in Unionized and Non-Unionized Organizations in Nigeria

Research Article

T.M. Fapohunda


Compensation is a major source of conflict and disagreement which sometimes results in dispute in organization. The study examined wage determination in unionized and non-unionized organizations. A survey of 155 workers both in unionized and non-unionized organizations was carried out. Four hypotheses were tested. The results indicate that a significant relationship between the wage levels and unionization. Also workers in workers in non-unionized organizations do not necessarily earn less than those in unionized organizations. The level of wages was found to be related to the ability of union leaders to negotiate skillfully. However unionization was found not to have a significant impact on general conditions of service. Companies now exploit the freedom of association and non-unionization options to engage more in decentralized and individualized employment relations rather than the collectivism associated with trade unionism. It has also become clear that management as well as workers support this and that a new form of negotiation between them is developing in the workplace. The study recommends that decentralized and individualized employment relations must remain linked to the national and collective levels of bargaining and a new balance must be developed between the collectivism and individualism that is emerging

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