CMC PACS - Effectiveness of Christian Medical College Paediatric Acute Care Score (CMC PACS) based protocol on the clinical outcomes of children, quality of nursing care and satisfaction of health care workers with its i

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Using quasi-experimental before and after design, this study was done over 6 weeks.  Using consecutive sampling technique, children who met the inclusion criteria were included.  CMC PAC score was marked for the children being admitted to the selected areas (nurses were blinded to the score in the control group).  The patients in the control group received standard care, whereas patients in the experimental group received care based on CMC PACS.  Clinical Outcome Indicator was used to assess the clinical outcomes at 48 hours of hospitalization.  Quality of Nursing Care Observation Checklist was used to assess the quality of nursing care every 12th hourly.  One week between control and experimental groups was used to educate nurses and doctors regarding the CMC PACS based protocol. Satisfaction Questionnaire was used to determine their satisfaction. RESULTS: Majority of the population were male, well-nourished infants and had medical diagnosis. Majority of children in both groups had low risk of deterioration (CMC PACS < 4) at admission (80.6%) and also at 48 hours of hospitalization (90.3%).  No significant difference occurred in the clinical outcomes (‘p’ value = 0.435).  Significant improvement was seen in the quality of nursing care (QNC) across both groups (p<0.001).   

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