Chemical profile, total phenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity of five species of the Caatinga biome

Fabíola F. G.


Many traditional culture of communities use medicinal plants as the sole therapeutic option available. This is a natural alternative that can be exploited in all Brazilian biomes, among others, the Caatinga is the one with the greatest diversity in flora, however, the amount of ethnobotanical and pharmacological studies of these species are still few. The species studied in this work were Turneraulmifolia, Lantanamontevidensis, Alpiniazerumbete, Momordicacharantia andXimeniaamericana. The plant material was collected in Chapada do Araripe-CE, Brazil. Chemical assays to detect the presence of secondary metabolites classes have been performed. The content of total phenols was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the content of total flavonoids was evaluated by the complex formed between the flavonoids and aluminum, the antioxidant activity was determined using the free radical DPPH sequestration method, and compared with the BHT reference compound. The following classes of metabolites were identified: flavones,flavonols, xanthones, flavononols, steroids and alkaloids. Extracts of X. americanaand A. zerumbet showed good antioxidant activities, and A. zerumbet was the most effective antioxidant with IC50 36,3μg / mL. The phenolic content and total flavonoids were expressed in mg / mL, especiallyT. ulmifolia with 19.5 and 3.3 L. montevidensis with 12.5 and 3.2 for phenols and flavonoids, respectively. The results show that some extracts studied here can be good sources of antioxidant phenolic compounds. Further studies will be conducted

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