Central nervous system depressant activity of Barringtonia acutangula (Linn.) Gaertn

Research Article

P. Balaji, M. Thirumal, B. Kum


In the present study Barringtonia acutangula (Linn) Gaertn. (Family: Lecythidaceae) has been selected and evaluated for its therapeutic potential. The coarsely powdered leaves of B. acutangula were extracted with ethyl alcohol by using soxhlet continuous extraction method. After performing the gross behavioral study, the CNS depressant activity was evaluated by sodium pentobarbitone induced sleeping time assay, locomotor activity assay, rota rod test and exploratory activity (y-maze test and hole board test). In these, all the values are expressed as mean ± SEM, n=6, *p<0.001 significant compared to control. The results altogether indicates that the extract reveals the CNS depressant behavior. The ethanolic extract of B.acutangula leaves causes a maximum inhibition of neuronal activity in the central nervous system leads to its depressant activity.

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