Abstract: Objectives There are more than three billion cellphone uses across the globe across all socio economics standards of population. Health related issues related to mobile or cellphone are topic of active debate and under active evaluation. There is hardly any data on headache associated with cellphone use in medical literature. Here we present atypical cases who reported chronic daily headache related only with cellphone use Methods This is case report of 4 patients from U.A.E.. We followed patients from OPD basis from 2016 to 2018 prospectively for six months or more. There MRI and other lab parameters were normal and no evidence of secondary headache ethology. Results In 2016 to 2018 patients out patients basis follow up we have noted avoidance of cellphone during migraine episode is new avoidance behaviour(60%) Here we report four patients who had stereotypical pattern of headache related to use of cellphone only. They reported use of cellphone for at least six hours per day for more than 2 years on regular basis. The reported headache pattern was more than fifteen days headache per month for more than six months, mostly dull aching in nature but disturbing the work and activities of daily living. There was no photophobia or phonophobia or nausea associated with headache. Dull aching headache satisfies IHS chronic daily criteria. Two reported starting associated with stress and two denied any form of stress. There was no significant relief with routine treatment and counselling. Two patients changed job which involves less or no use of mobile phone In 2016 to 2018 patients out-patients basis follow up we have noted avoidance of cellphone during migraine episode is new avoidance behaviour(60%) Here we report four patients who had stereotypical pattern of headache related to use of cellphone only.