Research Article
Vikrant KK and Chauhan DS
A study was conducted to measure carbon stock in two Van Panchayat forest of Garhwal Himalaya. For comparative study, we selected the degraded and non-degraded site in Pine and Oak Forest and estimated total carbon stock (above and below ground). Van Panchayat are managing the forest in Uttarakhand from British Period. The aim of the research was to estimate the tree density, tree diversity,biomass and carbon stocks in degraded and non-degraded sites in both forests for forest management through Van Panchayat. From this research, we found that non-degraded site contains maximum (Density, total biomass and carbon stock) as compared to degraded sites. This paper recommends the importance of forest management committee in Uttarakhand and the world. Community based small scale carbon sequestration can contribute to the solution of global climate change through carbon trading.