Biological standardization of some polyherbal formulations for antacid activity

Research Article

Ingale Suvarna*, Anisha Kumari


Herbal antacids are one of the major classes of over the counter drugs used by patient considering its safety. However, there are many herbal formulations in ayurvedic practice used for treatment of acidity which needs to be standardized. Hence, in present study we attempted to carry out biological standardization of some commonly used polyherbal formulations for antacid activity using in vitro methods viz- Acid-Neutralizing capacity and buffering capacity. From the results of present study, it may be concluded that PHF 2 and PHF 3 possess more antacid potential than PHF 1 and PHF 4 wherein PHF 1 has shown varying results in Acid neutralizing capacity and buffering capacity tests which may be associated with its polyherbal composition in which some herbs may be acting synergistically while other may be antagonistic in action.

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