Biological Cause of Conflict between Races, Castes Races, Sub Races, Under Races, how Connected to Brain Biochemical Devolution with how that’s Increase Backward Races Strength with Hearty Feels?

Special Issue Article

Mantu Kumar Satyam


As living thing survival means also Survival theory also works as biochemical and elements with specific elements and biochemical specific natural property that connected survival theory. That’s connected higher rank theory, sex hunt theory (link to biochemical   survival theory). There are two types’ nutrients basic and special that’s use by ancients, medieval man with ape tradition. That’s special nutrients in different reason different type’s. That’s special nutrients survival theory give big differences. That’s arises the regional races. Also in common work basic nutrients survival theory. Also  after  then in same  races  sub races arise  due  war    Kabila  tradition  war  possible separate language and  regular try to separate  biochemical evolutions. Apply the some less. That’s traditional different type special nutrients and environments   develop a different region different anthropology and color by root of DNA, give survival theory.

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