Bioavailability Enhancement of Curcuminoids using Natural Polymer

Research Article

Harsha Kharkwal, Kumud Bala, D


Curcuminoids plays a vital role in treating various ailment in traditional as well as allopathic system of medicine pertaining to its immense utility it acts as a Dietary supplement, an anti-cancer agent; reduces β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s etc. This paper is an attempt to enhance its bioavailability/ aqueous solubility of Curcuminoids by imparting hydrophilic character of water-soluble carriers such as guar-gum. Solid Dispersion Technique has been used to increase the dissolution and absorption of poorly soluble drugs by dispersing the drug in a highly water soluble carrier in a solid state. Formulations with 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 drug: polymer ratio were prepared and comparatively evaluated for their better release profile. Pure Curcuminoids exhibited the slowest dissolution rate pertaining to hydrophobicity. The study done here reveals Solid Dispersions of Curcuminoids were remarkably enhanced compared to the pure Curcuminoids.

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