Basic activity of Neurons in the dark during Somnolence induced by Anesthesia

Research Article

Etindele Sosso FA, Hito MG and


Aim: The first experience modulates the network of integration and memory. Depending on the characteristics of this initial stimulation, the brain adjusts his electrical activity to respond. This adjustment is different for every sub type of neurons. Pyramidal cells and inhibitory cells behaviours after a short reminder is still unclear. Materials and methods: Inhibitory interneurons and excitatory pyramidal cells in the primary visual cortex of anesthetised mice were stimulated with a briefly applied grating (BAG), without orientation following by a control grating (CG). The control grating changed orientation every 25 trials, and firing rates was computed before and after visual stimulation. Results: A primary stability was revealed in the firing pattern. In the global sample, the discharge of inhibitory interneurons was the same before and after visual stimulation with the block BAG+CG. Absence of orientation in the stimuli reduced the neuronal activity. The findings also suggested the interplay between primary visual cortex and short-term plasticity. Conclusion: The parameters included in a first target leave a trace in the cortical structures, and prepares the mechanism of plasticity. Memorisation of new information is altered if one or many parameters like orientation are missing.

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