Bacteriophages against Antibiotic Resistant Salmonella Bacteria for the Possible Prevention and Treatment of Birds and Clean Up of their Water Habitats

Grigol Abramia*, Alexander


In veterinary practice for the prevention of Salmonella infections has been used vaccination and partial antibacterial preparations (antibiotics, antimicrobial chemical therapy preparations), which had been used for the therapy of ill animals. During ten years, the unsustainable use of antibiotics and antimicrobial chemical therapy preparations in veterinary practice caused the selection of pathogenic residential form of microbes, which resulted significant reduction of therapeutic effect of preparations. During the use of antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of Salmonella disease among animals is not efficient. In most cases the animals are becoming caries of diseases and are still staying as a dangerous source for epidemic. The part of the Salmonella bacteria which cause Salmonella among animals: S. typhi-murium; S. Dublin; S. enteritidis.; S. choleraesuis; S antum; as well as S. paratyphi A and S. paratyphi B, do not cause illness among animals, but are dangerous for humans, because they cause Salmonella diseases among people. Therefore, it becomes more important to create safe preparation against Salmonella diseases as bacteriophages preparations. Their practical usefulness is defined: by its highly specific action oriented effect and lack of correlation towards other anti-microbe preparations of bacteria. After the prevention and treatment and with specific bacteriophages in comparison with other anti-microbe and chemical preparations we can significantly reduce the quantity of bacteria carriers. The purpose of our project (the World Bank’s Georgian Agriculture Development Program’s Project - CGS 03-70) was to demonstrate environmentally friendly, sustainable and efficient veterinary technology against antibiotic resistant microbes: Salmonella abortus ovi, S. abortus equi; S gallinarum; S. pullozum; S. typhimurium; S. Dublin; Salmonella Enteritidis; S. cholerae suis; S antum; S. Hajnia abvei Moller; and by means of selection of highly efficient and clean bacteriophages the creation of preventive- treating veterinary preparations for its further practical use.

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