Audits; how to carry out an Audit and reflect on your current practice, UK


Mohammed Shaath


Abstract objective: To assess the benefits of Audits in improving practitioners ability and standards. Through this presentation, I will explain the improtance of Audits in clinical governance and to break down each section of an audit and how its conducted. By explaining how to carry out audits, it will give the practitoner a way to assess their current level of practice or service to identify areas that need improving. Results: By the end of the presentation, listeners will be able to conduct their own audits and service evaluations to improve their practice. Biography: Mohammed completed his Bachelors of Dental Surgery from the University of Manchester University, 2014 and became a Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow in 2017. He has completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Facilitating healthcare learning from the University of Central Lancashire and currently working in general practice providing Intravenous Sedation. He has published pieces in the British Dental Journals, a reputable journal in the United Kingdom. Speaker Publications: 1. Shaath, Mohammed (2017) Book Review: The dental foundation interview guide: with situational judgement tests. BDJ. 223. 73-73. 10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.615. 2. Dental practice closure during COVID-19 and associated professional, practice and structural determinants: a multi-country survey, 10.21203/ 59621/v1 3. Covid-19: trainees will not move jobs in April, BMJ 2020;368:m1088 4. Shaath, Mohammed (2020) Progression of specialist trainees. British Dental Journal. 228. 735-735. 10.1038/s41415-020-1697-1. 5. Shaath, Mohammed (2019) Coronectomy consent. British Dental Journal. 226. 470-471. 10.1038/s41415- 019-0218-6. 8th Annual Congress on Dental Medicine and Orthodontics; Dubai, UAE -August 10-11, 2020 Abstract Citation: Mohammed Shaath, Audits; how to carry out an Audit and reflect on your current practice, UK, Dental Medicine Congress 2020, 8th Annual Congress on Dental Medicine and Orthodontics; Dubai, UAE - August 10-11, 2020

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