Atomic Model of the Solar System Putting into Evidence a Tenth Celestial Object Coupled To Pluto

Sakho I


Description of a new model of the Solar System is given in this paper. Analogously to the planetary atomic model of Rutherford, we describe an Atomic Model of the Solar System (AMSS) in which the planets are coupled like electrons in atoms. The AMSS presented put into evidence the existence of a tenth celestial object (nicknamed here SENEG) that might be the centuries-long searched tenth planet or classified in the category of dwarf planets. Since the much controverted Prague (IAU0603 2006) statement, astronomers actively search beyond Neptune a probable ninth planet. The AMSS model gives in the viewpoint of mathematics, the criterion satisfied by a planet belonging to the Solar System. The AMSS indicates that, the stability of the Solar System is only compatible with a configuration containing ten planets and that SENEG orbits the Sun at the distance of 11,208,000,000 km. From the AMSS model, it is mathematically shown that both 2003 VB12 (Sedna) and 2003 UB313 (Xena) have not the status of planets and they may be classified in the category of dwarf planets. Discussion about how the AMSS model may play a prominent role in the implementation of the quantum theory of freedmons is also made.

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