Assessment of Nurses Working Conditions at Emergency Departments at Government Hospitals in Gaza Strip

Dorgaham H and Salah M


 The working conditions of nursing in hospitals are very stressful, especially in emergency departments. This is an internationally recognized issue. The overall aim of this study is to assess the working conditions of nurses at the emergency department at governmental general public hospitals in the Gaza strip.The findings showed that half of the nurses (49.4%) were less than 30 yrs. old and most of them are male and married. More than half (56.5%) of the staff in the emergency departments have experienced between 1 - 5 years and three-quarters. (74.7%) of the nurses have a bachelor’s degree. The results indicated that nurses who work in the emergency departments have moderate perceptions about their working conditions especially in relation to workforce staffing, organizational factors, and physical environment. The study recommended to ensure an adequate number of nurses with a staff mix of skills in emergency departments and the scope of practice for nurses based on a job description and provide security personnel continue to provide a safe environment. 

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