Assessment of KAP Regarding HIV Testing among Military Personnel in Omdurman Military Area 2017 – Sudan

Adam Suliman Abaker


The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional community based study conducted at Omdurman Military Area among active duty service military personnel to establish baseline behavioral, knowledge and intervention program in relation to HIV/AIDS. The entire respondents (100%) are males, all of them (100%) are Muslims and also all of them (100%) had been circumcised. About 34.1% of the age group is between 18-24 years and 54.1% is between 25-49 years. Regarding education about 56.2% had basic school, 32% high school and only 11.8% illiterate. About 75% are married. The respondents were highly knowledgeable of HIV/AIDS, with 98.9% aware about AIDS, Almost 100% of the results of the HIV/ AIDS voluntary test among respondents was negative. Even though the respondent’s knowledge about the disease was good but also there was some wrong believes. There are many demographic, socioeconomic and biological factors that contribute to the risk of infection, but some findings in this study demonstrate that circumcision, religion, marital status, and fallowing direct contact lectures as mode of HIV/AIDS education and awareness are significant predictors for HIV infection control and prevention. Biography: Adam has completed his BSc at the age of 25 years from University of Khartoum Faculty of Public and Environmental Health, MSc in Public Health from the same University. He served as the director of Communicable Diseases Control Department – Public Health and Emergencies Directorate 2010 – 2018 and now the General Director of the Hope City for Patient’s Care & Rehabilitation of Disabled. He has published 2 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a reviewer. Recent Publications: 1. Badreldin Abdelrhman Mohamed and Mohamed Salih Mahfouz. “Factors Associated with HIV/AIDS in Sudan”. BioMed Research International (2013). 2. Hakre S., et al. “Epidemiology of HIV among US Air Force Military Personnel, 1996–2011”. PLoS ONE 10.5 (2015): 3. Tariq AA. Report about the efforts of the Ministry of Health to control communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Ministry of Health, Federal Directorate of Basic Health Care; Department of Disease Control. (2016).

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