Assessment of anti-typhoid and antioxidant activity of marine actinobacteria isolated from Chennai marine sediments

Research Article

Veena S., Swetha D., Karthik L


The present study was carried out to screen the actinobacteria isolated from marine sediments collected from Chennai, Tamilnadu, India for their antibacterial and antioxidant activites. A total of 6 isolates of marine Actinobacteria were isolated and were designated as VSKB 1 to VSKB 6. Out of the six isolates only one isolates VSKB-3 showed activity against salmonella typhi with a zone of inhibition of 18mm. In solvent extraction butanol was found to extract more active compounds as it showed a zone of 22mm against salmonella typhi. The potential isolated VSKB-3 showed moderately higher antioxidant activity in various screening tests viz., DPPH scavenging assay (88.32%), metal chelating assay (80.7%) and reducing power assay (0.80%). Father the isolate VSKB-3 was partially characterized by conventional methods, using Nonomura key. It showed similar characteristics to Streptomyces bluensi.

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