Application of Stem Cells in Disease and Gene Therapy

Research Article

Esmaeilzadeh Mahdi, Hosseini F


Over the last two decades, a number of strategies have been devised with the aim to treat diseases with a genetic approach. Gene therapy or the genetic manipulation of nongerm line cells has emerged as one of most promising strategies for treating human diseases. There are two methods of gene therapy: direct gene therapy or in vivo and indirect gene therapy or in vitro. Both two gene transferring that are divided and are modified genetically. Stem cells have some specifications to transfer highlighted genes to patients. These include proliferation viability and renewing in long period of time and diferention to variety of host cells. The basis for gene therapy is based on treatment both genetic and multifactorial disorders like neoplasia, infectious disease and cardio-vascular disorders. Comparing to other genetics engineering fields, Stem cell gene therapy will only meet success when essential improvement developed in stem cell studies and transferred gene regulation

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