Research Article
Okirya Martin, Albert Rugumayo
Hydrological modeling was performed using HEC HMS software, after delineating the catchment basin model (325 km2 ) using HEC GeoHMS in ArcGIS environment, populating the meteorological model with design storm data, and defining control specifications. The 10, 50, 100, 250, and 500 year design storms data input into the model generated design floods of 71.8 m3 /s, 123.0 m3 /s, 138.5 m3 /s, 163.9 m3 /s, and 183.4 m3 /s magnitudes respectively. Hydraulic modeling was performed using HEC RAS software. The model output channel flood depths at the gauging station were 5.21m, 6.53m, 6.84m, 7.31m, and 7.65m for simulated 10, 50, 100, 250, and 500 year design floods respectively. Flood hazard maps were generated by exporting the HEC RAS model output results to ArcGIS where they were processed to identify the flood prone areas. From the flood hazard maps, the most flood prone areas were around the river middle reach