Antimicrobial studies on ethanolic extracts of Phyllanthusniruri

Nivetha S. and Vetha Roy D.


The toxic side effect of the drugs of modern medicine and the lack of medicines for many chronic ailments has led to the reemergence of the herbal medicine, with possible treatments for many health problems. Phyllanthus niruri studied for its antimicrobial properties proved to be effective against all the eight bacterial and fungal strains E.coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida cruzi and Candida parapsolis at the three concentrations 2500µg/ml, 5000µg/ml and 10000µg/ml. The ethanolic root and leaf extracts shows remarkable inhibitory action against E.coli bacteria and Candida tropicalis fungus. The root extract records greater zone of inhibition against Candida parapsolis (22mm at 10000µg/ml) comparable to that of the control (20mm) and the leaf extract exhibits greater activity to that of the control against Proteus mirabilis (26mm at 5000µg/ml against 23mm).

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