Anti-inflammatory activity of Aponogeton natans (Linn.) Engl. & Krause in different experimental animal models

Research Article

Dash S, Kanungo SK and Dinda S


The present investigation was carried out to find the effect of Aponogeton natans (Linn.) leaf and leafstalks various extracts for its anti-inflammatory activity in different experimental animal models. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using acute inflammatory models like; carrageenan induced paw edema, histamine induced paw edema and chronic inflammatory model like; cotton-pellet induced granuloma models in rats.Oral administration of the methanolic extract at the doses 200 mg/kg body weight exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in different models. In carrageenan and histamine induced paw edema Aponogeton natans (Linn.) methanol extract showed maximum inhibition of 60.89% and 53.97% respectively at late phase. In the cotton pellet induced inflammation study in rats, Aponogeton natans (Linn.) methanol extract 200 mg/kg showed significant decrease in wet weight and dry weight of granuloma tissue formation by 52.72% and 43.76% respectively. Hence, present investigation established pharmacological evidences that it can be used as anti-inflammatory agent. A significant percentage inhibition of paw oedema by the methanol extract as compared to control suggests its usefulness in acute and chronic anti-inflammatory models.

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