Antibacterial Efficiency of Tetracycline and Ciprofloxacin on Mobile Phone Microflora

Research Article

Vulasi Indrani, T. Madhuri and


Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes. Mobile phone is not only used for the welfare of humankind but also its misuse has serious effects on our society worldwide. Many of the cell phones carry bacteria known to cause infection in the premature population. More compelling is the transmission of the bacteria from cell phone to hands. In the present study antimicrobial efficacy of standard antibiotics, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin were evaluated against mobile microflora. The bacteria were isolated by cotton swab method. Morphological and cultural characteristics of mobile Isolates were performed according to standard methods. Results showed that both the antibiotics chosen for study exhibits antibacterial activity on all the isolates. Potential zone of inhibition was formed on IS2 (22mm), MS3 (24mm) & MS 1(22mm), MS2 (18mm),MS3 (22mm) with the respect of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin among all the isolates.

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