Anthelmintic activity of Millingtonia hortensis linn. F. stem bark on Indian adult earthworm

Research Article

Surendra Kumar. M and Kavimani


Millingtonia hortensis Linn.F (Bigoniaceae) is a traditional medicinal plant widely used in south -East Asia for its fragrant flowers. It is commonly known as Cork tree, Akash neem and Neem chameli. The present study aims at exploring the anthelmintic potential of aqueous extract of stem bark of Millingtonia hortensis Linn.F. Anthelmintic study was carried out using Indian earthworm - Pheretima posthuma. Anthelmintic activity of Millingtonia hortensis aqueous extract was evaluated at 10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 30mg/ml, 40mg/ml and 50mg/ml, using piperazine citrate and piperazine hexahydrate as standard. The time taken for paralysis and death was calculated for all the groups. Millingtonia hortensis aqueous extract exhibited less anthelmintic activity as compared to the standard drugs. The study concludes that Millingtonia hortensis aqueous extract is not a suitable drug of choice for anthelmintic properties.

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