Analysis of the planning strategy of a low carbon community based on “Cradle to Cradle”: Taking the project of the low carbon community in changing, XiâÃâ€

Quanhua Hou and Jie Li


This project is in accordance with the low carbon c ommunity theory of “cradle to cradle”, putting forw ard the low carbon community planning strategy of “Sixmac syste m”, overcoming the problems from six different aspe cts including the land utilization of the community, sp atial arrangement, road transport, natural environm ent, energy use and implementation management, making further i mplementation of the theories’ design philosophy, a nd it also brings forward the specific low carbon requirements , which guarantees the construction of the low carb on community, and it also would have the direct and de monstration effect on the construction of the low c arbon community in the future

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