An in-vitro anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity of Anisomeles malabarica R.Br. Ex Sims

Mohmad Vasim Sheikh*, Navin De


In present study different solvent plant extracts and essential oil of Anisomeles malabarica R.Br. Ex Sims leaves and flowers were evaluated for In-vitro anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity using different assay method. The Invitro anti-inflammatory activities were analyzed by; Heat Induced Hemolytic and Protein Denaturation method using Diclofenac sodium as a standard. Anti-oxidant potencies were ascertained by 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and Iron chelating methods. Ascorbic acid was used as a standard. The percentage inhibition and stabilization values for anti-inflammatory and scavenging and chelation values for anti-oxidant were obtained and tabulated. The result clearly indicates that the methanolic extracts of both flower and leave of the study species shows effective anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. This scavenging free radical capacity can be used as a good anti-oxidizing agent in various fields of medicine, food industry etc.

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