An investigation of the effectiveness of transactional analysis on teaching communication skills to reduce marital conflict of patients suffering from cardiovascular disease

Research Article

Abed Mahdavi, Mohammad Ehsan T


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching the communication skills by using Transactional Analysis (TA) to reduce marital conflict heart disease. the research design was Semi-experimental and pretest-posttest was controlling by control group. Indeed This study consisted 48 patients with heart disease referred to Imam Khomeini hospital located in Koohdasht city ,wich are selected voluntarily and participated in the study for the sample method. Participants were divided randomly into two groups: the first group of communication skills training method (TA) and the second group received no psychotherapy, Both groups were measured by pre-test and post-test into two process time , The instrument of this study was to scale conflicts couples through questionnaire included (health, time and Alhyary in 1386). Data were analyzed and inferential statistical by using SPSS software and descriptive methods. The results showed that the experimental group which is received training in Transactional Analysis psychotherapy compared to a control group that did not receive any reduction in marital conflicts were significant. These findings have important theoretical and clinical interventions are discussed. The results of this study can be used to resolve marital conflict and enhance the quality of the marital relationship of chronic disease including heart disease - Coronary used as well as services (TA) to the group of clinical population as a non-drug treatment, effective affordable provided

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