An approach to develop the controlled drug delivery system for Glipizide

Research Article

Avinash Singh, R.K. Mohammed M


This study presents the development of extended release formulations of glipizide based on osmotic technology. In this study two-layer push pull osmotic tablet system was developed using Carbopol, Sodium chloride, microcrystalline cellulose. The push-pull osmotic tablets consist of two layers, one containing drug along with osmogen and other an osmotic agent and swellable polymer. A semi permeable membrane that regulates water influx in to both layers surrounds the system. After coating, orifice was simply drilled in drug side surface. This study was intended to study the influence of tablet core variable, including, amount of sodium chloride in drug layer, carbopol 934P amount in push layer and drug layer. Effect of pH, orifice size, agitation intensity, and weight gain by coating on in vitro release was studied.

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